spectra module

Functions to handle loading of spectrum objects

astrodbkit2.spectra.identify_spex_prism(origin, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Confirm this is a SpeX Prism FITS file. See FITS keyword reference at http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~spex/observer/ Notes: GRAT has values of: ShortXD, Prism, LXD_long, LXD_short, SO_long, SO_short

astrodbkit2.spectra.identify_wcs1d_multispec(origin, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Identifier for WCS1D multispec

astrodbkit2.spectra.load_spectrum(filename: str, spectra_format: str = None, raise_error: bool = False)[source]

Attempt to load the filename as a spectrum object


Name of the file to read


Optional file format, passed to Spectrum1D.read. In its absense Spectrum1D.read will attempt to determine the format.


Boolean to control if a failure to read the spectrum should raise an error.

astrodbkit2.spectra.spex_prism_loader(filename, **kwargs)[source]

Open a SpeX Prism file and convert it to a Spectrum1D object

astrodbkit2.spectra.wcs1d_multispec_loader(file_obj, flux_unit=None, hdu=0, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]

Loader for multiextension spectra as wcs1d. Adapted from wcs1d_fits_loader

file_objstr, file-like or HDUList

FITS file name, object (provided from name by Astropy I/O Registry), or HDUList (as resulting from astropy.io.fits.open()).

flux_unitUnit or str, optional

Units of the flux for this spectrum. If not given (or None), the unit will be inferred from the BUNIT keyword in the header. Note that this unit will attempt to convert from BUNIT if BUNIT is present.


The index of the HDU to load into this spectrum.


Print extra info.


Extra keywords for read_fileobj_or_hdulist().
